All Rights Reserved Dennis Clark has made a new social networking tool. At his request, I reproduce his introduction to it, below: Ive just finished making something I really want to show you all.
Since leaving college, Ive missed HRSFA-Social pretty hard. It was just totally great when you were feeling bored to be able to send one email and summon a bunch of people to come hang out while not feeling like you were spamming the entire world with your lack of cool. free credit card report In this spirit, I present: Named after everyones favorite Vamp Willow utterance, BoredNow is a cross between a realtime HRSFA-Social and the WoW dungeon finder its an attempt to solve the ludicrious problem that its easier to organize a group of your check free credit report Atlanta friends to do something in a video game than it is in real life. free credit report canada online Im hoping that fellow HRSFANS at Vericon will find it useful for organizing pickup games and going out to eat and maybe for some things I havent thought of yet. Right now, I have a realtime chat feature working along with the ability to join a pickup group and a randomized activity picker that will choose a game for you based on the number of people in your group and the amount of time you all have available. Theres much more to come, but I wanted to see if anybody liked check free credit report Atlanta the idea in general before building things that nobody wants. free creditreport
Im trying to spend the time between now and Friday developing a mobile website in addition to the check free credit report Atlanta desktop one (and check free credit report Atlanta maybe just one more feature), along with making sure that my server doesnt fall over.
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